JavaScript Training: Mastering Objects and Advanced Techniques

Course Delivery

Live Instructor-Led Training

Course Description

The course Advanced Concepts (JavaScript Training) covers object-oriented programming with JavaScript and explores advanced techniques such as asynchronous calls, promises, workers and more. The training starts with advanced JavaScript concepts such as classes, inheritance, and polymorphism. You are taught about dynamic HTML using JavaScript and the DOM and the of JSON and Ajax for partial data loading. The course continues with a detailed discussion on the consumption of micro-services using asynchronous calls. The discussion starts with a look at the anatomy of asynchronous calls including events and event handlers. The use of callbacks for failure and success handling is explored in detail including the use of the XMLHttpRequest object and the use of promises. We also explore JavaScript workers while we delve into the proper implementation of all of these concepts using JavaScript objects and enterprise data patterns. This course teaches you to do just about anything you want with JavaScript

Course Dates and Pricing

Feb 24 - 28, 2025$3,350.00Mar 24 - 28, 2025$3,350.00Apr 28 - May 2, 2025$3,350.00May 26 - 30, 2025$3,350.00Jun 23 - 27, 2025$3,350.00Jul 28 - Aug 1, 2025$3,350.00

Course Outline

JavaScript Fundamentals Review

About JavaScript Inclusion in an HTML Page
About Scope and JavaScript
Creating JavaScript Functions
Declaring JavaScript Variables: var versus let
The Power of the Function Pointer
Manipulating HTML with JavaScript

Creating Classes with JavaScript

Exploring the Many Forms of Functions
About the Relationship between Objects and Classes
About Prototypes and JavaScript Objects
Creating Classes with JavaScript
How to Declare Private Member Variables and Functions
implementing Object Properties
Understanding the Meaning of this and self
Writing a Constructor
Calling an Object from HTML

Creating Subclasses with JavaScript

Exploring Generalizations and Inheritance
The Magical Polymorphism
The Meaning of this and self In A Subclass
Creating Subclasses and Calling Constructors
Calling Subclass Methods and Properties
How Everything Inherits from Object
Putting It All Together

Managing Errors and Using Common JavaScript Objects

The Difference between Arrays and Dictionaries
Understanding Collection Classes: Arrays and Maps
Extending JavaScript Objects: Array and Map
The Magic of Iterable: Looping through a Collection
Adding and Removing Collection Items
Creating Custom Exception Objects
Creating A Custom Error Manager
Using Inheritance and Polymorphism to Generalize Error Collection

Organizing Code with Modules

The Need for Code Packages in JavaScript
Creating A Module in Vanilla JavaScript
The Many Forms of Export
The Many Forms of Import
About Modules and Scope
Exporting Functionality to HTML

Application Architecture and Invoking Remote Assets

The Anatomy of a JavaScript Web Call
What are Micro-Services and Why Are They Important?
Exploring JSON and the XMLHttpRequest Object
About Serializing Objects to JSON
Calling Web Assets Synchronously
Interacting with HTML

Making Asynchronous Calls

Understanding Events and Event Handlers
The Anatomy of an Asynchronous Call: Calls and Callbacks
Calling micro-services using XmlHttpRequest
Implementing Callback Functions for Success and Failure
Creating the Object Library to Store Results
Generating Dynamic HTML Content
Exploring Load Logic
Putting It All Together in the HTML

Using Promises

About Asynchronous Calls and the Promise Pattern
Creating a Promise with Success and Failure Callbacks
About Promise Chaining
About Promise Error Handling
Using Promises to Make Everything Asynchronous
Integrating Call Semantics through Objects

Using Workers

The Need for Worker Threads in JavaScript
Understanding the Architecture of Worker Communications
About postMessage and onMessage
Implementing the Worker: onMessage and postMessage
Implementing the Client: onMessage and postMessage
Starting the Worker, Getting Updates and Getting a Result
Handling Worker Errors
Making Asynchronous Calls with Workers

Making Authentication Calls and Cleaning up

Re-Factoring Duplicated Code
Cleaning up the HTML
Passing JSON Data to Micro-Services through Serialization
About Data Visibility in JSON Serialization
Exploring Interactions with Differing Platforms
Wrapping Things up!

Course Locations

  • Ottawa

  • Montreal

  • Toronto

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