IT Security Training: Offensive & Defensive Hack Proofing

Course Delivery

Live Instructor-Led Training

Course Description

The course Offensive & Defensive Hack Proofing (IT Security Training) is an introduction to white hat hacking. The course teaches you how to perform every stage of the hacking process so that you may protect your environment. The training includes tools for information gathering & target scoping, target discover & enumeration, vulnerability mapping & social engineering. You are taught how to use the Metasploit Framework to perform target identification & exploitation so that you may stop it from happening to you. The progressive & hands-on practical lab allow you to execute a hack from initial identification to privilege escalation & maintenance. Stop hackers in their tracks today!

Course Dates and Pricing

Mar 4 - 7, 2025$3,750.00Apr 8 - 11, 2025$3,750.00May 6 - 9, 2025$3,750.00Jun 3 - 6, 2025$3,750.00Jul 8 - 11, 2025$3,750.00

Course Outline

Linux Kali: The Bare Essentials

Setting up Linux Kali
A Note on Lab Configuration
A Quick Intro to the Linux Command Line
Touring the Linux File System
Mastering User Privilege and SELinux
All about File Permissions
Editing Files with VIM

Linux Kali: A Few Useful Topics

About Runlevels and Boot
Managing Packages with apt-get
Managing Processes and Services
Setting up and Understanding IP Addresses and Hostnames
Mastering Netcat
Mastering the Firewall
A Quick Tour of TCPDump

BASH Scripting and Other Programming

More on VIM Editing
Setting up your Profile
Working with Quotes
Working with Variables
Implementing Conditional Logic
Implementing Repeating Logic
A Few More Advanced Concepts
Writing Python Scripts: A Quick Tour
Introduction to C Compilers
Writing and Compiling C Code

Power Tools: The Metasploit Framework

What is the Metasploit Framework?
Starting and Updating Metasploit
Finding Metasploit Modules
Using Metasploit Modules
Setting Module Options
Working with Payloads
Setting a Payload Manually
Working with PostgreSql
Working with msfcli
Using msfvenom
Overview of Auxiliary Modules

The Assessment Phase

The Basics of Intelligence Gathering
What does Port Scanning Provide?
The Details of nmap
More on nmap Scanning
Working with the nmap Scripting Engine
Working with Metasploit Scanners
Working with Metasploit Exploit Checking
Setting up ZAP Attack
Web Application Scanning with ZAP Attack

Capturing Real Traffic

Overview of Network Capture Tools
Working with TCPDump
Working with Wireshark
ARP and DNS Cache Poisoning
SSL Attacks and SSL Stripping

The Art of Exploitation: The Basics

Exploiting the SMB Protocol
Exploiting NFS Shares
Exploitation with WebDAV Default Credentials
Exploiting and Open phpMyAdmin
Downloading Sensitive Files
Exploiting a Buffer Overflow in Third-Party Software
Exploiting Third-Party Web Applications
Exploiting a Compromised Service
Exploiting Remote Desktop

The Art of Exploitation: Server Applications

Exploiting SSH
Exploiting Apache
Exploiting IIS Web Server
Exploiting FTP
Exploiting SQL Server
Exploiting Oracle
Exploiting MySQL

Password Attacks

Password Management
Online Password Attacks
Offline Password Attacks
Dumping Plaintext Passwords from Memory with Windows Credential Editor

Social Engineering

The Social-Engineer Toolkit
Spear-Phishing Attacks
Web Attacks
Mass Email Attacks
Multipronged Attacks

Bypassing Antivirus Applications

How Antivirus Applications Work
Microsoft Security Essentials
Getting Past an Antivirus Program
Hiding in Plain Sight

After the Exploit

Introduction to Meterpreter
Working with Meterpreter Scripts
All about Metasploit Post-Exploitation Modules
Local Privilege Escalation
Local Information Gathering
Lateral Movement

Web Application Testing

Working with ZAP Attack
SQL Injection
XPath Injection
Local File Inclusion
Remote File Inclusion
Command Execution
Cross-Site Scripting
Cross-Site Request Forgery
Web Application Scanning with w3af

Wireless Attacks

Setting Up
Monitor Mode
Capturing Packets
Open Wireless
Wired Equivalent Privacy
Wi-Fi Protected Access
Wi-Fi Protected Setup

Mobile Hacking

About the Smartphone Pentest Framework
Mobile Attack Vectors
The Smartphone Pentest Framework
Remote Attacks
Client-Side Attacks
Malicious Apps
Mobile Post Exploitation

Advanced Exploits (If TIme Permits)

Understanding Buffer Overflows
Creating the Exploit Code
Compiling the Exploit Code
Uploading the Payload
Running the Code
Gathering Information and Taking Control

Course Locations

  • Ottawa

  • Montreal

  • Toronto

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Feb 12 - 14, 2025$2,750.00Mar 12 - 14, 2025$2,750.00Apr 16 - 18, 2025$2,750.00May 14 - 16, 2025$2,750.00Jun 11 - 13, 2025$2,750.00Jul 16 - 18, 2025$2,750.00

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Feb 25 - 28, 2025$3,750.00Mar 25 - 28, 2025$3,750.00Apr 29 - May 2, 2025$3,750.00May 27 - 30, 2025$3,750.00Jun 24 - 27, 2025$3,750.00Jul 29 - Aug 1, 2025$3,750.00