Live Instructor-Led Training
Great presentations clarify, drive and motivate. But most presentations are dull, overly-detailed, and confusing. In the course Packing a Powerful Punch (Presentation Training), participants will learn the essential tools to present with punch. Participants will learn how to organize a presentation, the tips and trick of PowerPoint, and the practical pieces of public-speaking through hands-on exercises and a delivering a short presentation. Everyone has to do it, find out how to get through it!
Oct 28 - 29, 2024$1,500.00Nov 25 - 26, 2024$1,500.00
Your Personal Learning Goals
What Makes a Good Presentation?
Common Presentation Mistakes and Challenges
Planning Your Presentation
Formats: Presentation, Workshop, Poster…
Purpose: Inform, Motivate, Inspire…
Audience: 3 Questions
Writing the Story
Using PowerPoint Effectively
Slide Rules
Slide Types, Design and Structure
Adding Visual Elements and Finishing Touches
Presentation Tools
The Art of Presenting
Understanding Your Strengths and Your Weaknesses
The Role of Body Language
The Role of Eye Contact
The Role of Voice and Language
Effective Presentation Techniques
Practicing Your Presentation
What to do and to Avoid
Presenting with Panache
Preparing for Delivery
Taming Public Speaking Jitters
Smooth Beginnings: Starting on the Right Foot
Smooth Running: Session Maintenance and Tracking Reactions
Handling Question and Answer Sessions
Smooth Endings: Completing the Session
Show Time!
Create and Deliver a Short PowerPoint Presentation
Small-Group Work
Feedback and Self-Reflection
Wrap Up
PowerPoint Training: Tips & Tricks to present with Panache
Tips & Tricks to Present with Panache (PowerPoint Training) is an engaging one-day course will guide participants through all the elements to creating a powerful PowerPoint Presentation. It will look at how to plan, organize and structure a presentation, how to write clearly, use images and sounds for best effect, and choose the right bells and whistles that PowerPoint has to offer.
Training course titled PowerPoint Training: Tips & Tricks to present with Panache that will allow you to hone your professional skills.
Nov 4 - 4, 2024$850.00