Live Instructor-Led Training
Problems are everywhere it seems. Whether it is a new policy that must be integrated into our hiring practices or an existing recruitment process which needs to be fixed due to an inordinate number of errors, we are faced with complex problems that require solutions on a daily basis. To make things worse, the modern world seems to make an infinite number of alternative solutions available to us. Whether it is the plethora of new software packages or the multitude of expert consultants who could help us, we have more choices than ever. How do we decide which approach is best? How do we decide which tool suits our purpose? How do we work together to achieve the results we need. The course Building Teams through Challenge (Problem Solving Training) on problem solving and team building equips the business professional with best in class methodologies and practices in the art and science of problem solving in the modern workplace. Using a structured series of concrete team building exercises, participants are encouraged to work together to solve increasingly difficult problems. A cohesive and coordinated team that can work creatively and cohesively is the result
Feb 10 - 11, 2025$1,500.00Mar 10 - 11, 2025$1,500.00Apr 14 - 15, 2025$1,500.00May 12 - 13, 2025$1,500.00Jun 9 - 10, 2025$1,500.00Jul 14 - 15, 2025$1,500.00
Group Activity: Introducing the Team
The Helium Stick
Problem Solving: The Process
Identifying and Recognizing the Problem
The Importance of Assumptions
Understanding the Problem
Generating Alternative Solutions
Choosing a Solution
Implementation and Control
Problem Solving Best Practices
Group Activity: Working Together
Toxic Waste
Strategies for Investigating Problems
Techniques for analyzing the Environment
Techniques for Recognizing the Problem
Techniques for Identifying Problems
Techniques for Making Assumptions
Group Activity: Solving Complex Problems
Wild Wild Jigsaw
The Importance of Thinking
The Importance of Thinking about Thinking
What about Critical Thinking?
Exploring Deductive Reasoning
Exploring Inductive Reasoning
Exploring Causal Reasoning
A Practical guide the Thinking Development
Group Activity: Think Clearly
The Art of War
Strategies for Generating Alternatives and Choosing Solutions
Techniques for Generating Alternatives Individually
Advantages and Disadvantages of Group Decision Making
Techniques for Generating Alternatives in a Group
Techniques for Choosing amongst the Alternatives
Techniques for Implementation
Group Activity: Solving with Creativity
Many Paths
Conflict Resolution Training: Difficult People at Work
Difficult behaviors come in many forms. In our lifetime, most of us have to deal with an angry client, a passive-aggressive co-worker or a bullying boss at one time or another. Your ability to navigate that situation and exit gracefully from that difficult situation depends in large part on your self-confidence, skills and training. The course Difficult People at Work (Conflict Resolution Training) teaches you how to handle challenging and unproductive behaviors, while keeping your cool.
Training course titled Conflict Resolution Training: Difficult People at Work that will allow you to hone your professional skills.
Feb 17 - 17, 2025$850.00Mar 17 - 17, 2025$850.00Apr 21 - 21, 2025$850.00May 19 - 19, 2025$850.00Jun 16 - 16, 2025$850.00Jul 21 - 21, 2025$850.00
Problem Solving Training: Critical & Analytical Thinking
In the modern workplace, making good decisions, with limited information and short time frames is frequently the norm. In the course Critical & Analytical Thinking (Problem Solving Training), participants review different decision-making models. The training covers strategies & techniques for options analysis & decision making. The course also explores common logic fallacies as well as the use of effective deductive & analytical thinking in everyday decision making.
Training course titled Problem Solving Training: Critical & Analytical Thinking that will allow you to hone your professional skills.
Feb 17 - 18, 2025$1,500.00Mar 17 - 18, 2025$1,500.00Apr 21 - 22, 2025$1,500.00May 19 - 20, 2025$1,500.00Jun 16 - 17, 2025$1,500.00Jul 21 - 22, 2025$1,500.00
Problem Solving Training: Design Thinking & Social Innovation
Widely used in the IT world, strategic thinkers in many fields can apply the techniques of user-centered design to innovate better solutions to a vast array of problems - housing, health care, environmental sustainability, community planning, counter terrorism, poverty, social exclusion, client service. Design thinking can take you anywhere your imagination leads you. Through case studies, The course Design Thinking & Social Innovation (Problem Solving Training) demonstrates the principles of design thinking and the benefits of a human/client-centered approach to problem-solving, how to use research methods such as fast prototyping, experimentation and pilots, options for financing, and how to host a launch a facilitated design session.
Training course titled Problem Solving Training: Design Thinking & Social Innovation that will allow you to hone your professional skills.
Jan 22 - 24, 2025$2,750.00Feb 19 - 21, 2025$2,750.00Mar 19 - 21, 2025$2,750.00Apr 23 - 25, 2025$2,750.00May 21 - 23, 2025$2,750.00Jun 18 - 20, 2025$2,750.00Jul 23 - 25, 2025$2,750.00
Communication Training: Getting the Message Across
When we want to communicate with another person, we form an idea, encode it and speak. The person receiving the message then decodes is using their perceptions, feelings and desires. Then they respond. Simple right! Though the process description may be simple, the reality is far from being so. The physical environment, our psychological and physiological state of being and the general demeanor of the person delivering the message affect how we decode the message we receive. Anger and aggressive language will dramatically affect the essence of the message as well as our willingness to receive it. But we need to be assertive! So how do we do it? How do we assertively deal with anger and/or conflict without resorting to aggressive or even violent communication? The course Getting the Message Across (Communication Training) will teach you how to be a communicator extraordinaire.
Training course titled Communication Training: Getting the Message Across that will allow you to hone your professional skills.
Feb 17 - 18, 2025$1,500.00Mar 17 - 18, 2025$1,500.00Apr 21 - 22, 2025$1,500.00May 19 - 20, 2025$1,500.00Jun 16 - 17, 2025$1,500.00Jul 21 - 22, 2025$1,500.00
Problem Solving Training: Building Resiliency for Life and Work
We all deal with difficult and stressful situations. Your ability to bounce back from these events depends on how resilient you are. Through self-reflection, instruction, practical exercises, and concrete strategies, this course teaches you how to become more resilient.
Training course titled Problem Solving Training: Building Resiliency for Life and Work that will allow you to hone your professional skills.
Feb 17 - 17, 2025$850.00Mar 17 - 17, 2025$850.00Apr 21 - 21, 2025$850.00May 19 - 19, 2025$850.00Jun 16 - 16, 2025$850.00Jul 21 - 21, 2025$850.00
Problem Solving Training: Design Thinking for Innovation
Turning the lengthy process re-engineering models upside-down, the method of sprint-style “design- thinking” starts from the finish line - to give a team a highly-specific problem to solve – and then works in an intensive, organized burst to develop viable solutions in a very short time-frame. Through real-world examples, and personalized in-class projects, the course Design Thinking for Innovation (Problem Solving Training) will demonstrate the principles of design thinking and client-centered approach to problem-solving, and how businesses can use novel research methods such as fast prototyping, experimentation and pilots to try out a various options prior to investing heavily in a full solution. Want to save time, money and effort? Give this approach a try.
Training course titled Problem Solving Training: Design Thinking for Innovation that will allow you to hone your professional skills.
Jan 27 - 28, 2025$1,500.00Feb 24 - 25, 2025$1,500.00Mar 24 - 25, 2025$1,500.00Apr 28 - 29, 2025$1,500.00May 26 - 27, 2025$1,500.00Jun 23 - 24, 2025$1,500.00Jul 28 - 29, 2025$1,500.00
Problem Solving Training: Techniques for Success
Problems are everywhere it seems. Whether it is a new policy that must be integrated into our hiring practices or an existing recruitment process which needs to be fixed due to an inordinate number of errors, we are faced with complex problems that require solutions on a daily basis. To make things worse, the modern world seems to make an infinite number of alternative solutions available to us. Whether it is the plethora of new software packages or the multitude of expert consultants who could help us, we have more choices than ever. How do we decide which approach is best? How do we decide which tool suits our purpose? The course Techniques for Success (Problem Solving Training) on problem solving equips the business professional with best in class methodologies and practices in the art and science of problem solving in the modern workplace. Creative and effective problem solving can be a significant asset in the world of today and the infinite choices that we have.
Training course titled Problem Solving Training: Techniques for Success that will allow you to hone your professional skills.
Feb 3 - 4, 2025$1,500.00Mar 3 - 4, 2025$1,500.00Apr 7 - 8, 2025$1,500.00May 5 - 6, 2025$1,500.00Jun 2 - 3, 2025$1,500.00Jul 7 - 8, 2025$1,500.00